1. The Lord of the Heart: Abhinavagupta's Aesthetics and Kashmir Saivism LINK?
2. His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dialogue with Christian Monastics, in: monasticdialog.com LINK?
3. Setu. Bulletin of the Abhishiktananda Society (Editor & Articles) : www.monasticdialogue.org, "Abhishiktananda Society Bulletin". [overview of editions]
4. "Que l'Esprit vous perde dans le fond". Lettres de Abhishiktananda a Bettina Bäumer, 1963–1973, in: Dilatato Corde, Journal of the DIMMID, January 2011. [LINK]
5. Summer to Autumn: An interreligious pilgrimage, in: Dilatato Corde, January 2012: www.dimmid.org