Articles in Dictionaries and Encyclopaedia

Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol. V., Ed. Knut A. Jacobsen et. al., articles: Lakshman Joo, Mahima Dharma and Bhima Bhoi (together with Joahnnes Beltz)
(Leiden, Brill, 2013)

Handbuch Religionswissenschaft. Ed. by Johann Figl, articles on: Hinduismus; Sakraler Raum und heilige Zeit; Gebet, Meditation, Mystik (Innsbruck, Tyrolia, 2003).

Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG), 4th ed., article: Meditation/Kontemplation: Indische Religionen 2003

Kalatattvakosa, A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian Arts, Vol. I, New Delhi (IGNCA and Motilal Banarsidass) 1988, articles on: Brahman, Purusa; Vol II, New Delhi 1992: articles: Nabhi in the Arts, Krama, Sandhi, Sutra in the Visual Arts, Purna in the Arts; Vol. III, New Delhi 1996: articles: Ap (Water), Vayu (Wind). Vol. V, New Delhi 2001: Rekha.

World Spirituality: An Encyclopaedic History of the Religious Quest, New York (Crossroads) 1985 ff., Vol. 7 (Hindu Spirituality Vol. 2), articles: The Four Spiritual Ways in the Kashmir Saiva Tradition; Form and Beyond Form :The Spiritual Dimension of Indian Art.

Wörterbuch der Symbolik, ed. M. Lurker, Stuttgart (Kröner) 1979, articles: Avatara, Hinduismus, Shakti, Yoga.