Selected Articles

84. Shiva: The Essence of Consciousness in the Shivadvaita of Kashmir, in: Shiva, Lord of the Cosmic Dance, edited by Karan Singh, Speaking Tiger Books, New Delhi 2022, pp.241-252

83. Form, space and consciousness: architectural principles in the Vastushastras in: Eloquent Spaces: Meaning and Community in Early Indian Architecture, edited by Shonaleeka Kaul, Routledge, London 2019, pp. 13-33 

82. Stuti: Praise in a Non-dualist Context, in: Spirituality through Interreligious Experience. Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Sebastian Painadath SJ, editor Xavier Tharamel SJ, ISPCK, Delhi 2019, pp. 134-145

81. The Living Temple: Aesthetics in Śilpa Śāstra, in: Meaning and Beauty, Shastric Foundation of Indian Aesthetics, edited by Kamalesh Datta Tripathi, Pranati Ghosal, IGNCA, New Delhi & Aryan Books International, New Delhi 2019, pp. 181-215

80. Deification in the Nondual Shaiva Agamas of Kashmir and in the Fathers of the Church, in Enlightenment and Tantra: Hindus and Christians in Dialogue, ed. by Bryan Lobo, Gregorian and Biblical Press, Rome 2018, pp. 59-76

79. Die flüssige Natur der ästhetischen Erfahrung, in Polylog 35 Sommer 2016, pp. 89-96

78. Intensity of Emotions: A Way to Liberation in The Advaita Shaiva Agamas and Their Exegetes, in: Emotions in Indian Thought Systems, ed. by Purushottama Bilimoria and Aleksandra Wenta, Routledge, London 2015, pp. 102-113

77. Foreword to Sung Min Kim, Voice of the Void: Aesthetics of the Buddhist Mandala on the basis of the Doctrine of Vak in Trika Shaivism, D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2015

76. 'Falling in Love with a Civilization': A Tribute to Daya Krishna, the Thinker, in: Philosophy as Samvad and Swaraj, ed. by Shail Mayaram, Sage Publications, 2014, pp. 34-40 

75. Konarka: Chariot of the Sun God, in: Outlines of Indian Arts, ed. by R.N. Misra, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla and Aryan Books Internations, New Delhi, 2014, pp. 139 - 150

74. Sarvam Sarvatmakam: Abhinavagupta's interpretation of the Maxim, in: Sanskrit and Development of World Thought, ed. by Vempaty Kutumba Sastry, New Delhi, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Printworld, 2014, pp. 167 - 176

73. Gottesliebe und Nichtdualität in der Mystik von Utpaladeva, in: Mystik im Aufwind. Begegnung zwischen jüdischer und christlicher Mystik, hrg. von Johannes Schleicher, Tanja Hoeg, Vier-Türme-Verlag, 2014, pp. 105–114

72. Summer to Autumn: An Interreligious Pilgrimage, in: Dilatato Corde, Vol I, Nos 1 & 2, 2011 (Link:

71. "Que l'esprit vous perde dans le fond!" The letters that Swami Abhishiktananda wrote to his friend and disciple during the last ten years of his life., in: Dilatato Corde, Vol I, Nos 1 & 2, 2011 (Link:

70. Dal purusha alla shakti: l'esperienza di Abhishiktananda alla luce delle Upanishad e dello shivaismo del Kashmir, in: Nella caverna del cuore. L'itinerario mistico de Henri Le Saux in India, ed. P. Trianni & M. Vannini, Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica, Anno XXXVIII (82° di Vita Cr.), N. 2

69. Marc, My Brother, the Unborn. Memories of Marc Chaduc - Swami Ajatananda, in: Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol 78, No 5, May 2014, 326-338

68. "Creative Contemplation" (bhavana) in the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, in: Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist Meditation, Ed. Halvor Eifring, Hermes, Oslo 2014

67. Sharika Devi: An Introduction, in: Saktyullasa: Sharika Devi, A Yogini of Kashmir, ed. by Neerja Mattoo, D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2013, pp. 1-11

66. Visamapi amrtayate: Paramadvaita in the Mystical Hymns of the Sivastotravali, in: Utpaladeva, Philosopher of Recognition, ed. by Raffaele Torella and Bettina Bäumer, Shimla, IIAS and DK Printworld, 2013.

65. The Living Temple: Aesthetics in Silpa Sastra, in: Meaning and Beauty: Shastric Foundations of Indian Aesthetics, ed. by K.D. Tripathi, New Delhi, IGNCA, 2012.

64. “Falling in Love with a Civilization’’. A Tribute to Daya Krishna, the Thinker, in: Philosophy as Samvada and Svaraj. Dialogical Meditations on Daya Krishna and Ramchandra Gandhi, ed. by Shail Mayaram, Shimla, IIAS and Sage, 2012.

63. Interreligious Dialogue, in: Windows on Dialogue, ed. by A. Bongiovanni, L. Fernando, G. Sabetta, V. Edwin, Delhi, ISPCK, 2012, pp. 59-65.

62. Mantra und die Energie des Wortes bei Abhinavagupta, in: Text und Mystik, ed. by Karl Baier, Wien, 2012.

61. From Regional Identity to Universal Consciousness: The Case of Abhinavagupta, in: Approaches to Kashmir Studies, ed. by G.M. Khawaja, Gulshan Majeed, Srinagar, Gulshan Books. 2011, pp. 106-114.

60. The Space of Breath in the Kashmiri Saivagamas A Special Feature in the Pan-Asian Culture of Breath, in: Religion and Culture, Festschrift in Honour of Francis X. D'Sa, SJ, Pune, Institute for the Study of Religion, 2011, pp. 278-289.

59. Dharmatita: Tradition und ihre Transzendierung bei Abhishiktananda, in: Festschrift Johann Figl…

58. From Purusa to Sakti: Abhishiktananda's Experience in the Light of the Upanishads and Kashmir Saivism, in: Witness to the Fullness of Light (see Books), pp. 31-46.

57. Text and Temple in Orissa: The Rajarani Temple of Bhubaneswar, in: Heritage Conservation and Research in India. 60 Years of Indo-Austrian Collaboration, ed. by Gabriela Krist, Tatjana Bayerova, Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2010, pp. 41-46.

56. Vielfalt und Nicht-Dualität. Zugänge zum Hinduismus, in: Weltreligionen. Verstehen, Verständigung, Verantwortung. hrg. von Karl Kardinal Lehmann, Frankfurt, Verlag der Weltreligionen, 2009, pp. 157-176.

55. Light and Reflection: The Metaphysical Background of Aesthetics in Kashmir Saivism, in: Aesthetic Theories and Forms in Indian Tradition, ed. by Kapila Vatsyayan and D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 127-147.

54. Swami Abhishiktananda: Mystic of the Inner Dialogue, in: Fullness of Life. ed. by Kala Acharya, Milena Carrara Pavan, William Parker, Mumbai, Somaiya Publications. 2008, pp. 173-189.

53, The Lord of the Heart: Abhinavagupta’s Aesthetics and Kashmir Saivism, in: Religion and the Arts, A Journal from Boston College, Vol. 12-1-3 (2008), Special Issue: The Interreligious Imagination, ed. by Richard Kearney, Brill, Leiden, pp. 214-229.
The same has also been published in: Traversing the Heart. Journeys of the Inter-religious Imagination, ed. by Richard Kearney and Eileen Rizo-Patron, Leiden, Brill, 2010, pp. 219-233.

52. The Three Grammatical Persons and Trika, in: Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir, Edited by Mrinal Kaul & Ashok Aklujkar, New Delhi, (D.K. Printworld) 2008, pp. 206-222.

51. Tantric Elements in Bhima Bhoi, in: Popular Religion and Ascetic Practices. New Studies on Mahima Dharma, ed. by Ishita Banerjee-Dube, Johannes Beltz, Delhi (Manohar) 2008, pp. 159-172.

50. Interreligiosität und Spiritualität. Eine Perspektive "von innen", in: Johann Figl (ed.), Religionswissenschaft – Interdisziplinarität und Interreligiosität, Wien (LIT) 2007, pp. 87-95.

48. Can the Hindu Experience of God Enrich the European Concept of God? in: Hintersteiner, Norbert (ed.), Naming and Thinking God in Europe Today, Amsterdam/New York 2007, (Currents of Encounter – Studies on the Contact between Christianity and Other Religions, Beliefs and Cultures 32), pp. 429-437.

47. His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dialogue with Christian Monastics: A Model for Mutual Enrichment, in: MID Bulletin, also on the website:

46. Introduction to: Vijnana Bhairava, The Practice of Centring Awareness, Commentary by Swami Lakshman Joo, Varanasi (Indica Books) 2002, 2nd ed. 2007, pp. 13-25

45. Surya in a Saiva Perspective: The Sambapancasika, A Mystical Hymn of Kashmir and its Commentary by Ksemaraja: in Sahrdaya, Studies in Indian and South East Asian Art in Honour of Dr. R. Nagaswamy Ed. by B. Bäumer, R.N. Misra, C. Prapandvidya, D. Handa, Chennai (Tamil Arts Academy), 2006, pp.1-28

44. The three grammatical persons and Trika, in: Indian Linguistics, Dr. Debi Prasanna Pattanayak Felicitation Volume, Vol. 67, Nos 1-4, 2006, pp. 19-27.

43. Praxis der Nicht-Dualität. Die Spiritualität des Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, in: Karl Baier (ed.), Handbuch Spiritualität: Zugänge, Traditionen, interreligiöse Prozesse, Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft) 2006, pp. 267-276.

42. Sakti, die Dynamik des Absoluten. Aspekte der göttlichen Energie im Sivaismus von Kashmir, in: Das Geschlecht der Religion, ed. by Florian Uhl, Artur R. Boelderl, Berlin (Parerga), 2005, pp. 113-123.

41. Meditation on Death, in: Voice of Death, Traditional Thought and Modern Science. ed. by B.N. Saraswati, New Delhi (D.K. Printworld), Varanasi (N.K. Bose Mem. Foundation), 2005, pp. 25-35.

40. Beauty as anandasakti in Kashmir Saivism, in: Saundarya. The Perception and Practice of Beauty in India, ed. by H.V. Dehejia and M. Paranjape. New Delhi (Samvad India Foundation) 2003.

39. From Stone to God, in: R. Nagaswamy, Foundations of Indian Art, Chennai (Tamil Arts Academy) 2002, pp. 28-38.

38. Tantrik Pandits in Varanasi: A Brief Survey, in: A. Michaels (Ed.), The Pandit. Traditional Scholarship in India, New Delhi (Manohar) 2001, pp. 99-103.

37. Micro-macrocosmic relationships in the Chandogya Upanisad, in: Jnana Pravaha Bulletin No. 4, 2000-2001, Varanasi, pp. 69-78.

36. Abhishiktananda and the Challenge of Hindu-Christian Experience, in: MID Bulletin "Christ of the 21st Century" Papers, No. 64, May 2000, pp. 34-41.

35. Yoga and Art: An Indian Approach, in: B.N. Goswamy (ed.), Indian Art: Forms, Concerns and Development in Historical Perspective, New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal), 2000, pp. 77-90.

34. Vayu: The Life-Breath of the World in the Hindu Tradition, in: M. Burger, P. Schreiner (eds.). The Perception of the Elements in the Hindu Tradition. Bern etc. (Peter Lang), 1999, pp. 145-158.

33. Trinität in Indien, in: Una Sancta 2/98, pp. 156-163.

32. A Few Methodological Remarks, in: K.S. Behera (ed.). The Utkala Pradipa, Vol. II, No. 1, P.G. D epartment of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 1998.

31. Disharmony - The Root of Evil in Kashmir Saivism, in: A. Amaladass (Ed.). The Problem of Evil. Chennai (Satya Nilayam Publ.), 1997, pp. 110-125.

30. Reinkarnation und Karma in der religiösen Vorstellung des Hinduismus, in: Religionen unterwegs, Wien, Mai 1996.

29. Universal Harmony: Samata in Kashmir Saivism, in: Universal Responsibility, HH The Dalai Lama Felicitation Volume, ed. by R.C. Tewari, Krishna Nath, New Delhi, 1995, pp. 111-119.

28. Aesthetics of mysticism or mysticism of aesthetics? The approach of Kashmir Saivism, in: Mysticism in Saivism and Christianity (see books).

27. Panikkar´s Hermeneutic of Myth, in: J. Prabhu (Ed.): The Intercultural Challenge of Raimon Panikkar. New York (Orbis Books), 1996.

26. Sun, Consciousness and Time: The Way of Time and the Timeless in Kashmir Saivism, in K. Vatsyayan (ed.), Concepts of Time - Ancient and Modern. New Delhi (IGNCA and Sterling), 1996, pp. 73-78.

25. The Relevance of Silpa/Vastusastra, in : Gandhian Perspectives, Vol. VII, No.1,Spring 1994, pp. 23-28.

24. Lines of Fire, Lines of Water: The Elements in Silpa-Sastra, in: Prakrti: The Agamic Tradition and the Arts (see books).

23. The Rajarani Temple Re-identified, in: India International Centre Quarterly, Spring 1994 ( Utkaldhvani), pp.124-132.

22. Mudra: Its Metaphysical Basis in Kashmir Saivism, in: Art, The Integral Vision, Kapila Vatsyayan Felicitation Volume, ed. by B.N. Saraswati, S.C. Malik, Madhu Khanna, New Delhi ( D.K. Printworld) 1994, pp. 111-121.

21. Vac as Samvada: Dialogue in the Context of Advaita Saivagamas, Festschrift G. Oberhammer, Vienna, 1994.

20. The Play of the Three Worlds: The Trika Concept of lila, in: William Sax (ed.): The Gods at Play. The Concept of lila in South Asia. New York (OUP) 1994

19. Himmel - Erde - Meer: Die Spiritualität eines Malers, in: Eduard Bäumer, Monographie, Salzburg (Verlag Galerie Welz),1992, pp. 403- 423

18. From Guha to Akasa: The Mystical Cave in the Vedic and Saiva Traditions, in: K. Vatsyayan (Ed.), Concepts of Space, Ancient and Modern, New Delhi ( Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Abhinav) 1991, pp. 105-122

17. The Guru in the Hindu Tradition, in: Studies in Formative Spirituality, Vol. XI, Number 3, November 1990, pp. 341-353

16. L'image divine: Sa raison d'etre et son effet selon la Vastusutra Upanisad, in: L'image divine, culte et méditation dans l'hindouisme, ed. by A. Padoux, Paris (C.N.R.S.) 1990.

15. A Journey with the Unknown, in: Tosh Arai and Wesley Ariarajah (ed.): Spirituality in Interfaith Dialogue, WCC Publications, Geneva 1989, pp.36-41

14. Unmanifest and Manifest Form according to the Saivagamas, in: A.L. Dallapiccola (Ed.), Shastric Traditions in Indian Arts, Stuttgart (South Asia Institute, Heidelberg), 1989, pp. 339-349.

13. Einblicke in die indische Kunst: Das wissenschaftliche Werk von Alice Boner, in: Alice Boner und die Kunst Indiens, ed. by E. Fischer, G. Boner, Zürich 1982, pp. 71-91. In English: Insights into Indian Art. Alice Boner's Scholarly Work. In: Alice Boner - Artist and Scholar, Varanasi (Bharat Kala Bhavan) 1989.

12. Can Diverse Religious Life-Worlds be shared?, in: T.S. Rukmani (ed.), Religious Consciousness and Life-Worlds, Simla, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1988, pp. 129-138.

11. Duhkha und Ananda: Zwei Grundansätze hinduistischer Lebenshaltung, in: Von der Erkenntnis des Leides, Wien (Picus) 1988, pp. 83-90.

10 Purusa and the Origin of Form, in: Rupa Pratirupa (see books).

9. Vena - A Mystical Hymn of the Atharvaveda, in: Navonmesa, MM Gopinath Kaviraj Commemoration Volume (English), Mata Anandamayee Ashram, Varanasi,1987,

8. Panjara et yantra: Le diagramme de l'image sacrée, in : Mantras et diagrammes rituels dans l'hindouisme, ed. by A. Padoux, Paris (C.N.R.S.) 1986.

7. The Divine Artist, in: The Indian Theosophist, Thakur Jaideva Singh Felicitation Number, Oct.-Nov. 1985, Vol. 82, Nos. 10-11, pp. 79-86.

6. Henri Le Saux: Abhishiktananda, in: Große Mystiker, Leben und Wirken, ed. by G. Ruhbach and J. Sudbrack, München (C.H. Beck) 1984.

5. Silpa-Sastra-Texte in Orissa, in: Orissa. Kunst und Kultur in Nordost-Indien, ed. by E. Fischer, S. Mahapatra, D. Pathy, Zürich 1980.

3. Die Unvermitteltheit der höchsten Erfahrung bei Abhinavagupta, in: G. Oberhammer (ed.), Transzendenzerfahrung, Vollzugshorizont des Heils, Wien (Sammlung De Nobili) 1978, pp.61-79.

2. Die Bedeutung der Tradition im Hinduismus, in: Kairos XX, 1978, pp.218-233.

1. Empirical Apperception of Time: Kala and Karman, Time and History in the Indian Tradition (with R. Panikkar), in: Cultures and Time, UNESCO, Paris 1975, pp.78-88 (also in French).