Lectures on Hindu Tantra, Chauntra Monastic College, Himachal Pradesh, September 2011
First Lecture: What is Tantra? (PDF)
Second Lecture: Some Fundamental Conceptions of Tantra (PDF)
Third Lecture: Tantra as Text (PDF)
Fourth Lecture: Tantra as Practice: Ritual and Yoga (PDF)
Mantra und die Energie des Wortes bei Abhinavagupta. Die Ebenen der Sprache und ihre Bedeutung (PDF), in: Karl Baier / Regina Polak / Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger (Hg.): Text und Mystik. Zum Verhältnis von Schriftauslegung und kontemplativer Praxis, Vienna 2012
Void and Fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu and Christian Traditions
Sunya – Purna – Pleroma
Co-editor with John R. Dupuche, New Delhi (D.K. Printworld) 2005
Editor of: Mysticism in Saivism and Christianity, New Delhi (D.K. Printworld), 1997.
Wege ins Licht
Zürich (Benziger), 1992
Editor of: Abhinavagupta, Paratrisika Vivarana (transl. by J. Singh), Delhi (Motilal Banarsidass) 1988ff.
Swami Lakshman Joo the last great master of the tradition of nondualist Saivism of Kashmir (1907–1991)